Posts Tagged ‘missile’

Missile Defense Program Failure Rate More Than Doubles

September 29, 2008

The Pentagon’s “Star Wars” missile-defense program has cost the taxpayers more than $100 BILLION dollars.  What is it supposed to do?  Shoot a missile at the enemies moving missile.  But testing against practice targets hasn’t been going so well.

The military has relied on old targets, like 40-year old rockets, to test the system.  (Is that accurate?  Aren’t there any new missiles aimed at us?)  A report released by the Government Accountability Office  says that the failure rate rose from 7% in 2002-2005 to 16% in 2006-2007.

There was another $1 BILLION  alloted to testing ‘new’ test targets, instead of 40-year-old missles.  In 2002-2006, those new targets cost $6.5 Million each.  But once Lockheed Martin took control of the program, costs went up.  New targets are now going to cost us $48.5 Million.  Only 8x higher costs.